• Just give me a little grace

    Alright, time for a quick honesty check. I started to write this blog four different times and erased every one of them. Given the time of year it is, I was trying to come up with something moving and profound to say and I just can’t do it. I am a hot mess right now and to try and demonstrate anything other than that would simply be a misrepresentation of me and my family. This is a time of year when life is challenging to say the least. We have countless priorities and unrealistic expectations we ourselves have created. We are setting ourselves up for disappointment. So whether you’re ready…

  • A Mother’s Work is Never…..

    I had the distinct pleasure of announcing my company’s inclusion on the Top 100 Best Companies for Working Mother’s and Dads earlier this month. This recognition makes me incredibly proud and demonstrates the impact being progressive in how you think about the needs of people have evolved. We have came a long way over the past decade in creating fluidity between our lives. But let’s cut to the chase. Being a parent and working either in or outside the home is hard. We have experienced tremendous growth as organizations build greater flexibility and support for working parents but we still put too much pressure on ourselves. Just take a minute…

  • The Future Is Equal

    I hope everyone enjoyed getting to know a little bit about me in my intro blog. Thank you for the follows, text messages and comments. You sure know how to make a gal feel special. With International Women’s Day just around the corner (March 8th), I have been thinking a lot about the importance of having balance in my life, both at and away from work. As a mom of three daughters, the theme of this years #IWD2019 #BalanceForBetter, resonates with me personally and professionally. As a society, we have spent the past few years focused on building equality for equivalence predominately focused on the inequalities as it relates to…

  • Just Let Me Introduce Myself

    As I sit here preparing to introduce myself and my “pack”, the song, The Humpty Dance by Digital Underground bounces through my head. I know what you are thinking…Digital Underground, seriously? You actually listened to that music? I am sorry to disappoint some of you but not only did I listen to it, I bought the cassette tape and listened to it repeatedly. Like a fine wine, my choices in music got better with age. So just let me introduce myself, my name is Lisa. Yep, that doesn’t work nearly as well Humpty. In any case, my name is Lisa. I like to be called Lisa. Three very special humans…