
Here Comes Mama Llama

Hello awesome people. I know some of you may not being feel awesome right now. You might be feeling exhausted, depleted of energy, patience and positivity. That’s ok! You are still awesome no matter what. Don’t forget that as you have become overwhelmed by being a parent, worker, leader, school teacher, cleaning person, hair stylist and maybe even a nail artist. You got this and you WILL get to the other side better than before.

So let me catch you up on Mama Llama. This past month has been filled with tremendous change, uncertainty, excitement and yes, some fear. Amidst this new “season” we are living in, my family and I have made some significant decisions that are changing our path and the journey we are on. The journey started before the chaos unfolded, but everything that has happened has only solidified the decisions we made and the reasons for making them.

As I was home recovering from surgery in January, I had a lot of time to think. To think about my life, who I had become, how I was behaving and what I was doing. I had time to consider who I aspired to be, what/who inspired me, what my passions really are and the roles I wanted to play in life and in my family. I realized things were missing. Things I guess I always knew but never wanted to acknowledge. Then it hit me. My years with my kids at home are dwindling. My opportunity to be there when they need a shoulder to lean or cry on and a voice of reason, or not, are slipping away. So I made a decision it was high time to make it my/our time.

I vowed to recover quickly and get myself back into fighting shape. I committed to doing things that provide more quiet mindfulness time. (This is still a work in progress but I am doing my best). And I decided to step away from my role at Ceridian. A role that I have loved more than any other role I have had. A role that accentuated my strengths in many ways and afforded me the opportunity to focus on things I am passionate about. So while the world was beginning to spin out of control around me, I was gaining control within me.

April 1st was my last day of being a Chief People and Culture Officer. April 2nd was the first day of me being a Chief Mama Llama. Or as I like to say, a Chief Badass Mama Llama. My goal was to take the next few months off and just spend it with my kids. Live our best days at the lake. Spend time reading and playing games. Enjoy the outdoors and each other. Most importantly, not just be at home but be present in the moments. That has proven to be a bit more difficult than I imagined.

In the days since moving into a full-time mama llama, I have been busier than ever before. I have finally started to pen my book and document the stories I want to share with my daughters and frankly anyone else who wants to learn from them and get a good laugh. This book is being written for my daughters to learn more about their mama llama and the experiences that have gotten me to where I am today, personally and professionally. Additionally, we are gearing up to launch the Mama Llamas World podcast. If you or any other kick-ass people would like to be a guest, shoot me a note and we can chat further.

A dear friend of mine (KC Cleary) and I started the Virtual Women’s Network and have watched it grow to over 600+ members in five short weeks. If you haven’t joined yet, drop me a note and I will send you an invite. We have had some awesome speakers, fitness sessions and happy hours. I have been booked for speaking engagements, virtual conferences and am working to launch my consulting practice in September. I also joined the Board of a really cool tech company who is going to change the game in individual and organizational wellness by helping people understand the thinking behind their thinking. Who knew taking time off from working would be so much work?

The months ahead will continue to provide change, uncertainty, excitement and fear. Not just as I begin to navigate a new path but as our family is navigating a new world. Our oldest daughter will graduate from college in less than two weeks without a proper ceremony. Her internship postponed until next year and the uncertainty of if there will be a final soccer season for her in the Fall. My middle daughter will finish out her Middle school years without stepping foot back in a classroom. She will never attend another class with her best friend who is moving after the summer and she has no idea when she may find herself back on a soccer pitch with her teammates. And then there’s my youngest. While she is missing out on the final months of her first year in Middle school with one of her favorite teachers, she is at home cooking, not cleaning, and living life. She is learning to navigate learning from a distance, which is a challenge at times. And my poor husband has gone from having time at home to work on his projects to running the Ops side of the new practice and having a loud, messy group of women shouting and invading his space and his garage.

All in all, we are incredibly fortunate everyone is thriving and the road ahead is encouraging. But it is natural for us to pause, feel anxious, uncertain and at times, fearful and sad. We are in this together and we are taking every day as it comes together. We will be grateful for the good things, deal with the not so good things and push forward. For we know there is a lot of greatness ahead.

So my ask of you now is simple. Stay with me for this incredible journey. Follow along as I write my book, share my thoughts in this blog and demonstrate my hot mess state. If you would be so kind, share my blog with others who may find it humorous, insightful or inspirational. Share your comments with me on how you are feeling, what’s working/not working or topics you would like addressed. And last but absolutely not least, when my book comes out, I would be honored if you would pick it up and read a chapter or two and share your feedback.

Until next time….stay happy, healthy and focused on the future. We will get through this season and move forward to the next.


Mama Llama a.ka. Lisa


  • Cyndi Meurrens

    Ooooooo – do I get to provide commentary on “Lisa, the early years”??? LOLOLOLOL

    • admin

      Of course you do. And don’t be surprised if you see mentions of you. I will change your name to protect your identity 🙂

      • Cyndi Meurrens

        For some of the “adventures”, you probably should change yours too. HA! 😀 I would love to sit and reminisce a while. It’s been far too long since we’ve had a good laugh together.

        I actually found pics in my dad’s slides a few months ago of us in our “First Class Brat” t-shirts from the CO trip – brought back a million memories. Also, several years of Christmas’ of your family (I think Lizzy was even in some) when my dad did portraits for you all. Those brought back a million tears, but so good to see them again. We are trying to get a system together so we can get all of his slides into digital form, then I could forward them on to you and Tracy.

  • Deb Lawson

    Hi Lisa, I can relate to your story on many levels. I also share the desire to write a book, and a blog! I’m on that same journey. I, too have a daughter (+ also her boyfriend) who graduate from University this year without a proper ceremony.
    I look forward to following you – maybe even joining you somewhere along the way – but for sure sharing with you our respective quests and need to share our lessons, experiences, and learning with the world.
    Deb Lawson

  • Sheila Godreau

    It has been such a privilege meeting you during your Ceridian days. Love your blog and the many stories your share reminding us to enjoy this ride we call life. Beautiful at times, bumpy and sad some other times but while not perfect it’s up to us to make our life and that of others around us worthwhile. Can’t wait to read your book!