
25 “Real” Things You Don’t Know About Me

It’s the day after #BlackFriday and as I sit here in my living room, fireplace going, Christmas tree lit and Christmas With The Kranks playing, I am reminded of the many things that make me love this time of year. It’s quiet and not a creature is stirring which is the perfect time to write. As I began thinking about my next post, It dawned on me that many people following along don’t know the “real” #Mamallama. This is the perfect time to change that. It’s important you have some context to who I am as you follow the #MamaLlamasWorld journey.

The best way to learn about me is with quick little anecdotes, traits, hot buttons, etc.. Therefore, I thought it would be fun to create a Top 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me. If you’ve ever picked up an US Weekly magazine, you will know what I am talking about. I divulge 25 things you probably don’t know about me and you get a little comic relief while reading it. One caveat before we get started. I am not sharing things you should already know if you read my introductory blog post.

So let’s get to it.

  1. My father (god rest his soul) was Cherokee Indian which means I am as well. Only a sixteenth but I am still proud of my heritage.
  2. I am an incredibly competitive individual. I DESPISE losing and when I do lose, I am not always gracious. Please don’t offer me condolences or a second-place medal. Just give me space for a few moments.
  3. There’s not much in life I am afraid of. Not afraid of heights, insects, snakes, dying or being alone. There are things I don’t like such as snakes, but I am not afraid of them. I don’t want to waste time walking through life afraid of things.
  4. I have been called the “Energizer Bunny” more than anything else, at least that I am aware of, in the first 46 years of my life. As my husband Shane always says, I have an “On” and “Off” button and I don’t turn off very often, not even when I sleep.
  5. Speaking of which, I don’t sleep much. No 8 hours here for this gal. A good 5-6 hours and I am ready to go.
  6. I understand myself better than I ever thought possible. I have been through numerous personality/behavioral assessments over my career. On the Kolbe I am a solid 10 in Quick Start and a 7 on the Enneagram. Both of which are highly accurate in terms of my behaviors, strengths, etc.
  7. While very much an “open book”, yes I share a lot and I say what I think, I don’t show my emotions. Very few people have seen me cry….well except at #Hallmark commercials and movies.
  8. I have ZERO tolerance for people who lack authenticity, are not genuine and who act superior to others. I don’t care what you do for a living, your title or how much money you make, you are no more important than anyone else.
  9. I find myself debating just about anything. I will debate a topic even if deep down I agree just to create healthy banter. Shane says I like to argue. I call it healthy conversation. People need to create conversation more now than ever.
  10. Purses and shoes are my guilty pleasure.
  11. Finally ditched the soccer mom vehicles and bought a #JeepRubicon this year. LOVE IT!!!!
  12. I love watching movies that make me laugh and feel good.  
  13. On the topic of movies, I am a HUGE Adam Sandler, Amy Schumer and Melissa McCarthy fan.  
  14. I am a not a good cook or baker. My youngest daughter Kendyl runs circles around me in the kitchen. Thank goodness for her and my amazing husband.
  15. I don’t believe in the phrase “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” I love to find ways to do things better, differently, etc. Imagination is a great gift we are all given we use too sparingly.
  16. I love giving gifts to others. Whether it’s the gift of time, a financial gift or simply sharing in a good conversation, it’s better to give than to receive.
  17. While I love to workout, especially on my new #NordictrackS22i, I eat terribly. Beef jerky, hot tamales and Mt. Dew are my go-to food groups.
  18. Holidays are my favorite. I can’t name just one that I like the most because I like them all. I enjoy celebrating and entertaining for just about any reason.
  19. Making and seeing others laugh is one of the most simple gifts and as I said before, I love gifting onto others. I’m just not that witty so it takes work for me to make others laugh.
  20. At times, I lack self-confidence. I have spent more time than I care to discuss to understand why. Never found a reason but there you have it. I am not always confident in my own skin.
  21. My favorite way to spend a day this time of year is to be in the midst of a snowstorm, tucked in at home with my family, a bottle of wine and an endless supply of holiday movies.
  22. My forties have been the best decade of my life so far. Like a fine wine, I believe life gets better with age.
  23. I believe everything happens for a reason even when I don’t understand why or what that reason is. I have learned to put my trust in a higher power.
  24. Watching my three daughters grow up and experience life is the greatest gift I can ever have bestowed upon me.
  25. I don’t have it all together. My life is a hot mess most days and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am blessed, give myself grace and don’t believe in the concept of perfection.

There you have it folks. A little bit more about me and what makes me tick. Take a moment and leave me a note about something I don’t know about you. Sharing is a great gift and one that can bring us all together.

Until next time friends…..go be amazing!

Mama Llama – a.k.a Lisa