
Just give me a little grace

Alright, time for a quick honesty check. I started to write this blog four different times and erased every one of them. Given the time of year it is, I was trying to come up with something moving and profound to say and I just can’t do it. I am a hot mess right now and to try and demonstrate anything other than that would simply be a misrepresentation of me and my family.

This is a time of year when life is challenging to say the least. We have countless priorities and unrealistic expectations we ourselves have created. We are setting ourselves up for disappointment. So whether you’re ready or not I am calling bull$h!t. Bull$h!t on this need to be perfect or at least make everyone think everything is perfect. 

My husband made a comment to me yesterday that hit way to close to home. He said people needed to spend less time showcasing this perfect life they like to demonstrate on social media and spend more time actually living the life they are trying to portray. It’s time to be present, to be authentic and to not give a $h!t what other people think.

So here it is people, real, raw and genuine. Our house is chaos as we are preparing for the holidays ahead. The girls and I had a shouting match in the car today over something completely irrelevant. Kaitlin had surgery a week ago and is recovering from it. Today I changed her travel to come home earlier because we are gearing up for a significant snow storm on Tuesday and numerous chances for additional snow over the course of the week which is sure to cause challenges. Shane is with Kaeli right now at soccer practice and is feeling under the weather. We are trying to squeeze in family pictures over this busy weekend as we haven’t had an actual photo shoot in a number of years.  I am dealing with health issues that are going to require surgery between now and Christmas. We haven’t seen our families in a number of months and are feeling the distance. Blah blah blah blah blah!!!

We all have our own chaos and it’s ok. It’s ok to say we don’t have it all together and that our lives are not picture perfect. This is the time of year when more than ever, we should give ourselves grace and admit perfection is unrealistic. We should take in every moment and enjoy them regardless of how they would look on social media. Let’s be honest, none of us are living a Norman Rockwell picturesque life right now. Life is full of opportunities. We have the ability to seize them and make the most of them no matter how they look.

Stop and realize that sometimes it’s the little things in life that mean the most. Pausing to help someone else who can’t help themselves. Holding the door for a stranger. Saying thank you to those who are serving our great country. Extending an invitation into your home. Celebrating the small moments that when added up, make big impacts. And saying this is us, this is who we are, take it or leave it. 

Yes, I love posting pics on social media. They aren’t orchestrated, posed or scheduled. They are us. They are who we are and at times, they look like we have it all together. But truth be told, we don’t. We live each day, not like it’s our last because that is far to profound for us, but rather to survive. We make each other crazy and yet some how find a way to savor each moment no matter how chaotic they are. We aren’t planned, organized or scheduled. We are just trying to live each moment as it comes and spend them together, as a family. At the end of the day, that’s all that really matters. 

Here’s my wish for this holiday season. And yes, I still do believe in holiday wishes. You’re never too old to believe in the magic of the holidays. I wish everyone, moms, dads, kids, grandparents, sisters, brothers, etc. would pause for a moment and grant themselves grace. Take a time out. Don’t expect perfection but rather live in YOUR moments. They ARE picture worthy. They just might be a bit fuzzy or out of focus. But they are the best because they are yours.

Happy Thanksgiving from this mama llama to you and yours.