
Stop Grumbling Sterling!!!!

My Special K’s (Kaitlin, Kendyl and Kaeli)

Look at those smiling faces. Am I not the luckiest person in the world? I am blessed with an amazing family, wonderful friends, soon to be great health and a career I love and am passionate about. So why must I find myself grumbling frequently?

One could suggest it’s simply the time of year. The holidays bring out the chaos and craziness in all of us. There’s so much to do and not enough time to do it. This time of year we don’t typically allow ourselves grace. We are too focused on perfection and making spirits bright for all. Except for ourselves of course. And my poor family. They get the pleasure of hearing me grumble throughout the house. Yes I admit it. I am not allowing myself or my family the grace we deserve. We are in chaos here and I am grumbling about it daily. I am one of those people who is not practicing what they are preaching. But in my mind, I have really good reasons to grumble 🙂

For starters, in a rush to get my holiday cards printed and shipped, I accidentally sent them to my old home, which I no longer own, in Lincoln, NE. Thank goodness a dear friend purchased our home so she was gracious and shipped them to MN. At the present time I have no idea exactly what we have purchased for Christmas gifts for our kids and have lots of boxes piled in our closet to go through. There are no wrapped presents under the tree and we haven’t even begun to bake any holiday goodies. My husband’s gift arrived yesterday only to be seen by him so now it’s in the garage and it won’t make it under the tree either.

Ok, enough with the complaining right? If I’m being totally honest, which I promised you from the beginning I would always be, it’s not the time of year causing my grumbling. I grumble throughout the year. Just ask Shane. He will tell you I grumble when I come home from the office, traveling or hell, on a Saturday afternoon. I grumble about things that are really not that important. But I’ve made progress. I have learned what triggers my grumbling. A kitchen counter that is cluttered, dirty laundry on the floor instead of the basket, “stuff” just laying around where it doesn’t belong, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Shane would tell you I have a natural ability to seek out things that cause my grumbling subconsciously. Here’s a real example…after a long week on the road, I came home to a clean house and found my way to the girl’s bathroom. Mind you, I had to walk through a bathroom to get to theirs and when I walked in, I noticed garbage had not been taken out and there were Qtips on the floor. So of course I grumbled and it was 11:00 pm. So I was grumbling to myself.

Why must we grumble about things that are not important? Why can’t we just accept that things and people aren’t perfect? Why must we try to change everyone else instead of changing ourselves? Why can’t I simply accept what’s important to me isn’t important to everyone else? That means I have to admit my way isn’t always the right way. Yikes, that’s a tough ask.

Until today that is. These are all great questions and as of today, I am vowing to react and behave differently or I am simply being a hypocrite. Giving grace is not just for yourself but for others too. Do you need the cleanest house? Do all your presents have to be wrapped in specific wrapping paper by recipient? Do your cookies have to look like a Pinterest worthy post? Can your kids throw all their stuff on the kitchen table so they can focus on homework without you cringing?

I can’t speak for you but I am vowing to change my expectations and more importantly, my behavior so these things don’t elicit a grumble. I am going to slow down and give others the grace they deserve. It will be challenging and I will fail at times, but I am going to make a deliberate effort to behave differently. I have been provided the greatest gifts and I need to truly cherish them. Before I know it they will all be moving on and I will miss picking up dirty dishes, removing the empty toilet paper role and replacing it with a new role and cleaning up their messes.

So Shane, Kaitlin, Kaeli, Kendyl, you now have the responsibility of calling me out when I grumble. Again, rest assured I will fall down but I am going to focus on doing it less and giving everyone the grace they deserve.

May each of you find the ability to give yourself grace this holiday season and all year long for that matter. Start small and don’t be afraid to fall down. Just get back up and start again. And share your success. What are you going to stop doing or start doing? Would love to hear your progress.

Last but not least, happy holidays to you and your families. May you spend time with those you love, laughing, eating and enjoying the moment. I know I am going to do all I can to live in the moment, and eat, laugh, etc.

Until next time…..

Mama Llama a.k.a Lisa